Blendery Not Brewery

One of the most coveted Cherry Lambics

Hanssens Artisanaal has long been one of my favorite Lambic brands, largely because their beers are well-balanced, drinkable and of very high quality. They are somewhat unique among Lambic producers these days because they do not actually brew their own beers. Hanssens is a traditional lambic blendery located in Dworp, Belgium. Blenders like Hanssens, known as Geuzestekerijen, make their beers by blending young and old Lambics acquired from various Lambic brewers. This is a very old tradition in Belgium which is becoming increasingly rare. Hanssens gets their Lambics from Lindemans, Girardin and Boon. They then age and blend them, sometimes with the addition of fruits, to get their final product.


Hanssens is one of the oldest Lambic blenderies in Belgium, going all the way back to 1871, when they made non-Lambic beer on the family farm and later in the Hooghuys brewery. In 1888, Bartholomé Hanssens took over the brewery but split from it later on to open the Sint-Antonius brewery. During World War I, the occupying German forces confiscated the brewery’s copper brewing equipment, forcing Bartholomé to buy young beer from other breweries and age and blend it.

Why Blend?

Blending is essential to the Lambic industry, since aging sour beers in wooden casks is far from an exact science. One barrel may be extremely sour, while others may be funkier or just lightly tart. The master blender tastes beers from a number of different casks in order to determine what combination of beers will be used to achieve the target flavor profile.

Hanssens Artisanaal Products

Hanssens has a classic lineup of Lambics, with an emphasis on fruited versions. All are excellent representatives of their respective styles.

  • Hanssens Oude Gueuze is a classic blend of old and young lambics with a depth of complexity and tartness. 5.8% ABV.

  • Hanssens Oudbeitje (5.8% ABV) is perhaps the best manifestation of a strawberry Lambic in Belgium.

  • Hanssens Oude Kriek (5.8%) is the main Hanssens beer aged on cherries.

  • Hanssens Framboos is a traditional Framboise – aged on raspberries.

  • Hanssens Experimental Cassis (6.0%) is matured on blackcurrants

  • Hanssens Experimental Raspberry (6.0%) is a specialty beer aged with raspberries.

  • Hanssens Experimental Blackberry (6.0%) is a fairly rare beer, produced occasionally.

  • Hanssens Cassis-Frambozen Lambic is aged with a combination of blackcurrants and raspberries.

  • Hanssens Scarenbecca Kriek is a beer aged on a mixture of Scharbeek and other cherries.

  • Hanssens Oude Kriek “Handplukte Scharbeekse Krieken” is Hanssens top-of-the-line Kriek matured on 100% hand-picked Scharbeek cherries, which are the increasingly rare sour cherries grown in the Senne River valley.

  • Hanssens Mead the Gueuze is a blend of 70% Lambic and 30% honey mead. 7.9% ABV.

  • Hanssens Jonge Lambiek is a blend of one-year old Lambic served on draft at Hanssens or at local festivals and events.

Traditional Lambics of the Highest Quality

While a bit on the pricey side, Hanssens Lambics are some of the best Lambic beers out there and a true tasting experience. If you can get your hands on a bottle or two, you will not be disappointed.
